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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank

LEE JAE BON has a total of 35 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1992. It filed its patents most often in Republic of Korea. Its main competitors in its focus markets engines, pumps and turbines, environmental technology and thermal processes are SONG SOO NI, LJATKHER VIKTOR MIKHAJLOVICH and LI YAOZHONG.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing LEE JAE BONs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Republic of Korea 35

Patent filings per year

Chart showing LEE JAE BONs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Lee Jae Bon 34
#2 Lee Eun Jin 19
#3 Uham Jae Hong 2
#4 Kim Dong Soo 2
#5 Lee Jung Sug 2
#6 Yoo Kyong Kon 2
#7 Han Seok Won 1
#8 Jung Kyo Sang 1
#9 Heo Bong Rak 1
#10 Kim Jong Min 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
KR20170072974A Atomic reactor cooling apparatus
KR20170061822A Axial fluid pump
KR20170017442A Liquid movement gravity difference occurred Rotational power amplifier
KR20160119508A A flask with two bubbling noises when following a drink
KR20160027312A Big Bang Turbine Generator with Fluid Combined with Oil Pump Pump
KR20150108052A Gaseous range where the tilting nozzle collects heat to induce complete combustion
KR20150104710A Axial-flow turbine Hybrid vehicle combined with wind power generator
KR20150098305A Refrigerant turbine generator combined with liquid centrifugal heat pump
KR20150096819A Centrifugal pump using the mass of fluid flowing with rotating body
KR20150096047A Submerged position Hydraulic utilization Through-hole wheel Multistage turbine Hydropower generator
KR20150094898A Fluid circulation heat pump using centrifugal force of liquid state refrigerant
KR20150093305A Cylindrical turbine tidal generators using tide and ebb flow
KR20150089574A Piston Engine Centrifugal multi-stage turbine generator using exhaust gas
KR20150089576A Relativity Spatial Energy Utilization of Natural Principles Creation Science and Technology Business
KR20150089575A Electrolysis of water Brown gas and pyrolysis gas Two-stage combustor
KR20150088397A External rotor synchronous motor driven internal rotor generator
KR20150087499A Disc-drilling wheel using refrigerant turbine Heat pump temperature difference generator
KR20150087498A Cylindrical Wind Turbine Generator
KR20150086590A Centrifugal multi-stage turbine combined with original through-hole impeller
KR20150085887A The cylindrical four-way valve