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  • Total Patents

LEAVITT FRANK MCDOWELL has a total of 22 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1897. It filed its patents most often in United Kingdom and Canada. Its main competitors in its focus markets machines, measurement and environmental technology are SILURIFICIO WHITEHEAD DI FIUME, RENDER FREDERICK and LASHERAS BARRIOS FERNANDO.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing LEAVITT FRANK MCDOWELLs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United Kingdom 21
#2 Canada 1

Patent filings per year

Chart showing LEAVITT FRANK MCDOWELLs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

Focus technologies

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Leavitt Frank Mcdowell 22

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
GB191404555A Driving Mechanism for Torpedoes.
GB191321547A Improvements in and relating to the Purification of Water Sewage and other Liquids.
GB191307160A Steering Mechanism for Automobile Torpedoes.
GB191306272A Timing Mechanism applicable to Automobile Torpedoes and other Apparatus.
GB191306163A Improvements in and relating to Gyroscope Spinning Mechanism, particularly applicable to the Steering of Automobile Torpedoes.
GB191306060A Starting and Stopping Mechanism for Automobile Torpedoes.
CA161350A Purification of water
GB190714658A Ignition Device for Air Heaters of Automobile Torpedoes.
GB190713173A Improvements in Starting Valves for Automobile Torpedoes.
GB190707481A Improvements in Safety Stop Devices for Engines
GB190628124A Improvements in Steering Apparatus for Automobile Torpedoes.
GB190627517A Improvements in and relating to Pressure Reducing Valves and Lubricating Arrangements for Automobile Torpedoes.
GB190615543A Improvements in Devices for Igniting a Combustible for Heating Compressed Air in Automobile Torpedoes.
GB190613197A Improvements in Gyroscope Spinning Devices.
GB190508741A Improvements in Starting Valves for Automobile Torpedoes.
GB190408061A Improvements in Steering Mechanism for Torpedoes.
GB190503824A Improvements in Mechanism for Utilizing a Gyroscope to Control other Apparatus.
GB190319763A Improvements in Gyroscopic Apparatus for Steering Torpedoes and other uses.
GB190318744A Improvements in the Propulsion of Automobile Torpedoes.
GB190218151A Improvements in Presses for Punching Sheet Metal and Feeding Mechanism therefor.