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  • Total Patents

LEADER IND INC has a total of 41 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1993. It filed its patents most often in United States, Canada and Australia. Its main competitors in its focus markets optics, medical technology and consumer goods are UVEX ARBEITSSCHUTZ GMBH, SMITH OPTICS INC and FONDERMANN & CO.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing LEADER IND INCs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Pernicka Martin 17
#2 Cyr Raymond 14
#3 Pernicka Martin P 9
#4 Gagnon Hubert 8
#5 Isabelle Paul 8
#6 Blanchette Luc 4
#7 Lahos Etienne 3
#8 Meekins John A 2
#9 Noel Christian 2
#10 Lapointe Eric 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2014048647A1 Amphibious aircraft
US6592073B1 Amphibious aircraft
CA2337940A1 Eyewear
CA2337928A1 Protective eyeglass assembly
CA2337731A1 Eyewear
US6363528B1 Protective mask with throat guard for physical games
US6381749B1 Protective mask with anchor clamp for physical games
CA2297355A1 Protective mask with anchor clamp for physical games
CA2297351A1 Protective mask with throat guard for physical games
CA2290295A1 Sport protection eyewear
CA2287760A1 Sport eyeglasses having removable lenses
AU5023699A Protective eyewear for industrial use
US5987653A Protective eyewear for industrial use
US5963295A Protective eyeglass assembly for use during sport activities
CA2243413A1 Protective eyeglass assembly for use during sport activities
CA2228336A1 Face mask for hockey helmet or the like
CA2181020A1 Eyeglass construction
EP0741526A1 Face shield with chin contacting element
EP0741527A1 A protective sports headgear
US5584561A Lighting device for a bicycle