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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 25.0%

KYOWA KOGYO has a total of 204 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 25.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 1979. It filed its patents most often in Japan, Taiwan and Republic of Korea. Its main competitors in its focus markets machines, packaging and shipping and environmental technology are TROISDORFER BAU & KUNSTSTOFF, PETRO PACK AB and FOSTAG FORMENBAU AG.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing KYOWA KOGYOs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Japan 201
#2 Taiwan 2
#3 Republic of Korea 1

Patent filings per year

Chart showing KYOWA KOGYOs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Matsui Tsuneo 33
#2 Shimizu Katsuya 31
#3 Matsumoto Takeo 19
#4 Itaya Naomasa 12
#5 Ikeda Hiroaki 10
#6 Nakamura Teruyuki 9
#7 Suyama Sukeyuki 9
#8 Iijima Kazuo 9
#9 Ikeda Masahiro 8
#10 Ozeki Tomoji 8

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
JP2021001696A Air valve and air valve system
JP2020090882A Underground fire hydrant and medium fitting body used therein
JP2020127666A pillow
JP2020045956A Air valve, server, computer program, and information output method
JP2019124095A Net fence
JP2019124096A Net fence and method for producing the same
JP2018188876A Net fence and manufacturing method thereof
JP2018162584A Exterior wall structure for building
JP2018136005A Air valve
JP2018059538A Fastening member, fastening member manufacturing method, fastening member handling method, and fastening method
JP2016195804A electric toothbrush
JP2017223058A Roll curtain device
JP2017207046A Bridge-installed water power generator
JP2017207095A Air valve
JP2017053436A Air valve
JP2017024557A Steering device
JP2016215289A Conveying device
JP2016217166A Conical propeller water turbine device and hydraulic generating apparatus utilizing the same
JP2016141385A Steering device
JP2016135963A Net fence