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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 50.0%

KYOWA KK has a total of 277 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 50.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 1974. It filed its patents most often in Japan, United States and Netherlands. Its main competitors in its focus markets environmental technology, machines and macromolecular chemistry and polymers are EICHENGRUEN ARTHUR, SSM IND INC and TRICHROMATIC CARPET INC.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing KYOWA KKs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing KYOWA KKs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Wakamatsu Taneo 52
#2 Kamiya Kuniaki 25
#3 Ota Noriaki 18
#4 Kitahama Sadao 13
#5 Nakagawa Taiichi 13
#6 Nozaki Saiji 12
#7 Hirakawa Yoneo 12
#8 Uno Hiroshi 9
#9 Yamamoto Hiromasa 7
#10 Hirakawa Motoyuki 7

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
JP2020125254A Cosmetics, cell protectant against ultraviolet rays, and light aging inhibitor
JP2019195513A Latching bar and hanger using the same
JP2019058138A Food composition
JP2018177691A Melanogenesis inhibitor
JP2016159953A Filling-type frozen food container
JP2016030746A Soft capsule containing hyaluronic acid and/or salt thereof
JP2015216908A Plant cultivation instrument
JP2015202056A Growth observation system of field crop
JP2015006233A School bag
JP2014026341A Heat dissipator for portable information terminal and heat dissipation system for portable information terminal using the same
JP2013258572A Holder for portable information terminal
JP2013137440A Graphic system having improved stereoscopic effect of liquid crystal display part
JP2012125160A Hydroponic device
JP2012108065A Water pressure test pump
JP2011254737A Nutriculture apparatus
JP2011110082A Back ring for satchel
JP2011052386A Eaves
JP2010270455A Eaves
JP2010248828A Eaves and assembling method of eaves
JP2010209578A Eaves