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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇧ 700.0%

KONGSBERG DEFENCE & AEROSPACE AS has a total of 67 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 700.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2008. It filed its patents most often in EPO (European Patent Office), Australia and United States. Its main competitors in its focus markets weapons, machines and digital networks are SECRET GEHEIM, LUPHER JOHN HANCOCK and SKODAWERKE ACTIENGESELLSCHAFT.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing KONGSBERG DEFENCE & AEROSPACE ASs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Jensen Per Inge 10
#2 Austad Oddgeir 9
#3 Norland Magne 9
#4 Johnsen Roar 9
#5 Larsen Jan Ove 9
#6 Nilssen Per Erik Moldskred 9
#7 Mortensen Ivar 7
#8 Fritzner Claus 7
#9 Hellum Kjell Arne 7
#10 Helgerud Thor Christian 7

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
EP3632789A1 System and method for assisting docking of a vessel
NO20180338A1 Correction Unit for RF filter
NO344144B1 Method and system for measuring airburst munition burst point
NO20171387A1 Method and system for reliably changing operation mode of a weapon
NO20151017A1 Method and system for planning and launching a plurality of missiles to be included in the same mission
NO20150315A1 Method and system for protecting stowed wings on a missile
AU2014410468A1 Method and system for protecting folding wings on a missile while in their stowed state
AU2014396467A1 System and method for remote monitoring at least one observation area
US2014160235A1 System and method for monitoring at least one observation area
NO20130142A1 System and method for operating a safety-critical device
WO2014063728A1 Safety approved fiber optic control of weapons
WO2013185809A1 Continuous range finder
AU2012201621A1 Stabilization platform
AU2011201576A1 Remote weapon system
CA2732476A1 Remote weapon system
CA2689894A1 Electronic firing rate controller for remote operation of an automatic firing weapon
US2011031312A1 Remote weapon system
CA2726919A1 Method and apparatus for detection and classification of a swimming object
US2011197749A1 Electronic firing rate controller for remote operation of an automatic firing weapon
AU2008283109A1 Situational awareness observation apparatus