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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 60.0%

JUHNG JIN OOK has a total of 72 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 60.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2002. It filed its patents most often in Republic of Korea. Its main competitors in its focus markets foods and drinks, medical technology and consumer goods are BERTHELSEN VIGGO, DIETERICH ALFRED and LIBERSON AHARON.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing JUHNG JIN OOKs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Republic of Korea 72

Patent filings per year

Chart showing JUHNG JIN OOKs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Juhng Jin Ook 72
#2 Kim You Su 7
#3 Ahn Jeong Hyun 6
#4 Lee Jung Soo 5
#5 Kim Soon Deok 5
#6 Chae Jeong Bin 5
#7 Kim Chul Soo 5
#8 Gang Da Hyun 4
#9 Park Byoung Suk 3
#10 Park Sung Woo 3

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
KR20210032328A The fermented rice strow silage in a Bale to inject a lot of nitrogenic gas and lactic acid solution
KR20210011357A The method of production for an ensilage in a ton bag to put all agricultural byproducts to ferment
KR20210008461A The processing method of frozen wet feeds for shoal of fish with a recycling marine products
KR20200144080A The method of manufacture for a Sofa on a steel shape with some plywoods and sponges to its cushion
KR20200138101A The made method of waist-band for an acupressure around waist with the heating yellow clay particles
KR20200106465A The made method of multidirectional clean aspiration filter, thereof its putting on the air cool cleaners, insect nets or sanitary napkins,
KR20200099113A The method of manufacture for a face mask to give a lot of functional clean air aspiration
KR20200099503A The method of manufacture for a walking care bandage on a knee
KR20200095428A The made method of the insole shoes to control of damp
KR20200054140A The fermented domestic animal manure to remove for all of stink, thereof its processing method
KR20200014257A The functional palm oil candle with a natural material, thereof its method of process
KR20190060957A The made method of the insole shoes to control of damp with some of yellow clay particles
KR20190032307A The stair-onion-frag-candle to emit some of fragrance and onion from a body and its transcribed surface, thereof its method of process
KR20190028401A The processing method of frozen wet feeds for shoal of fish with a recycling marine products
KR20190017827A The battery's pad to attach an one-touch pin for a sliding door in the battery zone of headphone switch box, thereof its method of manufacture
KR20200078757A The method of waistband for a waist with the acupressure to heat on the red clay particles
KR20180137447A The extensive supporter for an outer sole of safety shoe to take easily on or off
KR20180115650A The traditional hop rice-wine to brew from the extractions of mugwort, arrowroot and hop cone
KR20180080150A The method of walking care bandage for both knee-joints
KR20180006870A The liniment for the parasitic vermin on the animals' skins or barns, thereof its productive method