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  • Total Patents

INST GORNICTWA NAFTOWEGO I GAZ has a total of 199 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1977. It filed its patents most often in Poland, Canada and United States. Its main competitors in its focus markets measurement and civil engineering are MICROSEISMIC INC, ACOUSTIC ZOOM INC and PANGEO SUBSEA INC.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing INST GORNICTWA NAFTOWEGO I GAZs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing INST GORNICTWA NAFTOWEGO I GAZs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

Focus technologies

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Dudek Alfons 17
#2 Hejnar Albin 14
#3 Geron Stefan 11
#4 Dzwinel Jan 10
#5 Zolna Andrzej 10
#6 Pudlo Krzysztof 10
#7 Naczynski Jerzy 10
#8 Pasynkiewicz Jadwiga 9
#9 Grzywacz Maciej 9
#10 Fijak Wladyslaw 9

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
PL347674A1 Method of testing biocides for their capacity to fight against srb bacteria
PL326280A1 Method of preventing the production of biogenous hydrogen sulphide in natural gas
PL319472A1 Drilling fluid
PL317914A1 Method of eliminating permeability of porous media by means of bacteria
PL314573A1 Method of preventing formation of hydrate and parafin accumulations in bore holes
PL313805A1 Expanding cement grout
PL310748A1 Method of stabilising organic liquids
PL309424A1 Transportable installation for removing substances of petroleum origin from soil
PL308149A1 Shooting line safety devuce and method of initiating same
PL307964A1 Method of removing petroleum derived pollutants from soil
PL307420A1 System for resording osmotic properties of filter cakes and rock formations
PL305303A1 Packer attachment for use in tightness tests
PL305177A1 Method of hydraulically slitting bore-holes
PL304858A1 Cement grout
PL299631A1 Method of winning heavy petroleum from its accumulation
PL299488A1 Earth gas fired burner in particular for low-methane gas
PL299225A1 Measuring system for measuring physical variables
PL297800A1 Method of selectively measuring potentials of induced rock polarity in a bore-hole
PL297577A1 Apparatus for measuring potential rock filtering power
PL295347A1 Method of chemically treating production bore-holes