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  • Total Patents

INST EKOLOGII I GENETIKI MIKRO has a total of 13 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1990. It filed its patents most often in Russian Federation. Its main competitors in its focus markets environmental technology are GUANGXI ZHUANG AUTONOMOUS REGI, BENGBU HAISHANGMINGZHU AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY DEV CO LTD and Yu dingyuan.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing INST EKOLOGII I GENETIKI MIKROs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Russian Federation 13

Patent filings per year

Chart showing INST EKOLOGII I GENETIKI MIKROs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Gorshkov Vasilij A 6
#2 Frolova Svetlana I 6
#3 Chereshnev Valerij A 4
#4 Rochev Valerij P 3
#5 Milyakov Garri V 2
#6 Bukharinova Olga L 2
#7 Pleshcheva Olga V 1
#8 Kolesnikova Nadezhda M 1
#9 Smerdova Natalya G 1
#10 Dzigoeva Eteri Z 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
RU95116098A Method of preparing enzymotherapeutic, antiviral and immunomodulating preparation and enzymotherapeutic, antiviral and immunomodulating preparation
RU2065875C1 Strain of bacterium escherichia coli used for colibacterin preparing
RU2025467C1 Process for purifying chromium-containing sewage
RU2056366C1 Method of mineralized sewer treatment
RU2056363C1 Method of purification of acid metal-containing sewage
RU2056371C1 Method of preliminary treatment of acidic metal-containing sewage
RU2022010C1 Nutrient medium for sulfate-reducing bacteria cultivation
RU2056361C1 Electrolyzer for purification of acid metal-containing sewage
RU2011639C1 Method of acid sewage treatment
RU1807069C Method for recultivation of oil-polluted soils
RU1800367C Method for selecting humans for vaccination against bacterial infestation
RU2007722C1 Method for selecting patients for treatment with immunostimulants
RU1814070C Method for apprising efficiency of infection and somatic diseases treatment