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  • Total Patents

INST CHERNOJ METALLURG MIN CHE has a total of 22 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1969. It filed its patents most often in USSR (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics). Its main competitors in its focus markets machine tools, materials and metallurgy and environmental technology are INST CHERNOI METALLURGII, INST TSCHERNOJ METALLURG and MAGNITOGORSK METALLURG.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing INST CHERNOJ METALLURG MIN CHEs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 USSR (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics) 22

Patent filings per year

Chart showing INST CHERNOJ METALLURG MIN CHEs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Mazur Valerij L 4
#2 Shneerov Yakov A 3
#3 Nekrasov Zot I 2
#4 Uzlov Ivan G 2
#5 Goncharenko Gennadij N 2
#6 Ganoshenko Vladimir 2
#7 Golubchenko Anatolij K 2
#8 Kuvshinov Vasilij A 2
#9 Dobronravov Aleksej 2
#10 Kobeza Ivan I 2

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
SU997888A1 Method of cooling hot rolled stock
SU926030A2 Apparatus for cooling rolled stock
SU889172A1 Apparatus for cooling strip rolled stock
SU846586A1 Stand for bell-type furnace for annealing web-type material
SU846587A1 Multistep heat-exchanger of unit for reducing ores
SU872057A1 Transverse-cutting shearing machine
SU816585A1 Mill for hot rolling of strip with widening
SU818687A1 Apparatus for cooling rolls of rolling mill
SU850674A1 Method of producing carbon steel from low-phosphoric cast irons
SU828032A1 Method of substance spectrographic analysis
SU945191A1 Device for cooling rolled stock
SU819198A1 Method of treatment of welded joints of hot-rolled steel webs
SU759170A1 Aluminium pig for killing steel
SU779402A1 Tuyere
SU779397A1 Method of smelting control in oxygen convertor
SU827545A1 Method of performing blast smelting
SU713645A1 Method of manufacturing all-rolled wheels
SU801916A1 Method of working support roll barrels
SU735639A1 Device for test rod inlet into convertor
SU572498A1 Plate valve