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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 50.0%

INCHEONINTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CORP has a total of 24 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 50.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2015. It filed its patents most often in Republic of Korea. Its main competitors in its focus markets control, computer technology and packaging and shipping are MALLAGHAN ENGINEERING LTD, MEISHAN DEXIN AVIATION EQUIPMENT CO LTD and SSI SCHAEFER AUTOMATION GMBH DE.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing INCHEONINTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CORPs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Republic of Korea 24

Patent filings per year

Chart showing INCHEONINTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CORPs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Kim Dong Chul 15
#2 Lim Hye Rin 6
#3 Jo Sang Hoon 5
#4 Yi Jin Geun 5
#5 Kim Jha Young 5
#6 Choi Hyong Seok 5
#7 Min Byung Jo 5
#8 Kim Ho Seok 4
#9 Sin Sang Dae 3
#10 Shin Dong Hoon 3

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
KR102194230B1 Intelligent integration security system and Method thereof
KR102165253B1 Automated access control system for processing inspection exception during security check and Method thereof
KR20200051532A Server for providing traffic control monitoring service and method for providing real-time air traffic control monitoring service
KR102145327B1 Cutting member and groove method for pavement using the same
KR20200051213A Server for providing traffic control monitoring service
KR102087314B1 Server for providing traffic control monitoring service and method for providing real-time air traffic control monitoring service
KR101985112B1 Intelligent type airport resource management system, and method thereof
KR101921002B1 Aircraft noise analyzation system, and method thereof
KR20180109178A Airport Flight Movement Area Safety Inspection System
KR20180108176A System for collecting fod in airport movement area
KR101837312B1 System and Method for Managing Baggage Handling Load
KR20180027171A Method for controlling high speed diverter
KR20180026962A Method for separating image of adjacent baggage of baggage position control system
KR20170110422A Apparatus and method for managing radar data for moving object monitoring information extraction
KR20170106852A Apparatus and method of interconverting airfield light drawing and airfield light database
KR20170106598A The method prediction for duration ground movement of the aircraft through evaluation for overlab time each section
KR101765228B1 Apparatus for routing and guiding surface movement of moving object
KR101695588B1 Intergrated airfield lighting system capable of providing constant current and controlling lamps
KR20170086319A Apparatus and method for setting ground control root
KR20170034514A Conveyor carousel for luggage transferring