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  • Total Patents
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  • Filing trend

HENAN SPLENDOR SCIENCE & TECH has a total of 95 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 0.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2009. It filed its patents most often in China. Its main competitors in its focus markets transport, measurement and computer technology are BEIJING NAT RAILWAY RES & DESIGN INST SIGNAL & COMMUNICATION LTD, SHENZHEN CHANGLONG RAILWAY ELECTRONIC ENG CO LTD and HUNAN CRRC TIMES COMMUNICATION SIGNALS CO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing HENAN SPLENDOR SCIENCE & TECHs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 China 95

Patent filings per year

Chart showing HENAN SPLENDOR SCIENCE & TECHs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Liu Wei 13
#2 Liu Daqing 10
#3 Xu Dagui 9
#4 Zhang Yimin 7
#5 Wang Lin 6
#6 Guo Rui 6
#7 Cheng Chuanbin 6
#8 Li Hai 5
#9 Zhang Chengbin 5
#10 Pan Xinhua 5

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CN112199403A To-do item reminding method, device, equipment and storage medium
CN112073296A IPC camera monitoring method and system based on ONVIF protocol
CN110347567A One kind being based on the matched binary data log analysis method of agreement and system
CN110286282A A kind of long equipment on-line monitoring system and method for hump survey
CN110208624A A kind of humping signal equipment on-line monitoring system and retarder on-line monitoring method
CN110146863A A kind of hump radar equipment on-line monitoring system and method
CN110187213A Track circuit train operation simulation device
CN110310261A A kind of Contact Net's Suspension Chord defects detection model training method and defect inspection method
CN110208625A A kind of humping signal equipment on-line monitoring system and goat on-line monitoring method
CN110161526A A kind of circuitry obstacle object recognition methods based on three-dimensional imaging
CN109753719A A method of identification switch location
CN109784236A A method of table content in identification railway drawing
CN109800478A Semaphore knows method for distinguishing in a kind of railway drawing
CN109720377A A kind of track circuit alarm limits method of adjustment
CN109739811A Support the storage method of double dimension inquiry magnanimity monitoring data
CN109726176A The quick storage and querying method of railway signal electrical device data
CN109709379A A kind of track circuit alarm limits method of adjustment based on big data
CN109539980A A kind of contact line Uplifting amount method for real-time measurement based on image procossing
CN109583295A A kind of notch of switch machine automatic testing method based on convolutional neural networks
CN109218412A Remote upgrade method and system for STP system