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  • Total Patents

HARRINGTON STEVEN J has a total of 17 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 2005. It filed its patents most often in United States. Its main competitors in its focus markets computer technology, audio-visual technology and optics are SUNPLUS INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY INC, MINEGISHI YOUICHI and HAHN JUDAH GAMLIEL.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing HARRINGTON STEVEN Js patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United States 17

Patent filings per year

Chart showing HARRINGTON STEVEN Js patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Harrington Steven J 17
#2 Omega Noel S 1
#3 Moore Lee C 1
#4 Tredoux Gavan Leonard 1
#5 Seo Youngseok 1
#6 Orlov Leonid 1
#7 Wenn Ii John C 1
#8 Gloger Paul B 1
#9 Manchala Daniel W 1
#10 Jhong Yoon J 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2012150862A1 System and method for augmenting an index entry with related words in a document and searching an index for related keywords
US2012124467A1 Method for automatically generating descriptive headings for a text element
US2011219298A1 Time sequencing of editing steps in a two-dimensional digital document
US2011131211A1 Methods and systems for visualizing topic location in a document redundancy graph
US2011090528A1 System and method for controlling usage of printer resources
US2011029952A1 Method and system for constructing a document redundancy graph
US2010110473A1 System and method for managing a print job in a printing system
US2010110472A1 System and method for managing a print job in a printing system
US2009303548A1 System and method for facsimile communication of non-facsimile-communication-protocol/non-facsimile-image data
US2007150808A1 Method for transformation of an extensible markup language vocabulary to a generic document structure format
US2007156768A1 System and method for managing dynamic document references
US2007156743A1 System and method for managing dynamic document references
US2007150807A1 System and method for managing dynamic document references
US2007156744A1 System and method for managing dynamic document references
US2007143666A1 Architecture for arbitrary extensible markup language processing engine