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  • Total Patents

HANSUNG ELECTRONIC IND DEV CO has a total of 17 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1999. It filed its patents most often in Republic of Korea and Australia. Its main competitors in its focus markets measurement, control and it methods for management are FAIRSENSE BEIJING ENVIRONMENT TECH CO LTD, ENGELHARD SENSOR TECHNOLOGIES and SAEHKOELIIKKEIDEN OY.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing HANSUNG ELECTRONIC IND DEV COs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Republic of Korea 16
#2 Australia 1

Patent filings per year

Chart showing HANSUNG ELECTRONIC IND DEV COs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Choi Kwang Nam 11
#2 Choi Gwang Nam 4
#3 Koo Bon Gwang 1
#4 Park Mu Jong 1
#5 Kim Eung Seok 1
#6 Koo Bon Kwang 1
#7 Koo Bonkwang 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
KR20090082761A Charging method and battery charging circuit
KR20090082762A A signal-to-noise ratio remote Measuring System and method
KR20090082763A Method and snowfall measurement equipment
KR20090070835A The application method and system and fire monitoring detected method
KR20090063800A System and method detecting car velocity on road
KR20060107473A An impedance measuring instrument with auto-charging/discharging function battery management system
KR20060088577A Auto-rainfall alarm system with tts and the control method thereof
KR100588493B1 A message circulation system for contingency accident/disaster by tts and the method thereof
KR20050070510A A method and apparatus for double line detecting
KR20050061204A Combined adapter with equalizer
KR20040088307A Specific gravity measured valued using a supersonic wave and method thereof
KR20040087231A A auto weather system with correction function
KR20030095123A System for managing the agricultural water
KR20030070778A System for managing the agricultural water
KR20020048826A An alarm sound - generating system using solar cell
KR100271534B1 Method and apparatus for a alarm in the rainfall automatically