Health check system for full examination and immediate diagnosis and tips for healthy living - uses Euro-laboratory instrument which analyses blood taken from finger pads of person under test, and also urine, stool, nail, hair, saliva
Bloodless installation extracorporeal heart pacemaker - has body or heart data evaluated by computerised ECG to determine location, type of therapy and stimulation dose
Appts. for reliable arm etc. oedema treatment - applies natural oedema removing, systolic/diastolic pressure to arm via jacketed pressure container
Automatic aspiration and injection set - gives automatic insertion free of pain with accurate location of vein alignment and depth
Automatic alarm system without active or visible actuation e.g for bank - alerts police to increase in cardiac activity of more than one member of staff confronted by malicious intruder
Environmentally-friendly engine contributing to ozone hole closure - is driven by decomposition of water to hydrogen@ and oxygen@ or by combination of these gases to water
Reusable fluid and food container - has tubes tightly fitted in sealing closure and having airbags and pumps to exclude contact between air and contents to avoid contamination
Tick removal instrument with tweezers - has guide to allow accurate positioning of injection
Dishwasher capable of washing other large objects - uses hot water supplied from hot water station provided in dishwasher which is sprayed from two sides on object being washed and optimally rinsed
Electric automatic window opening and closure appts. - controls ventilation of dwelling in response to measurements of interior and exterior air quality involving detection of noxious gases
Cleaning appts. for e.g. vehicle(s), windows etc. - uses combination of oscillation and air streams to detach and remove dirt in a sealed system
Re-usable packaging material with inflatable pockets - is used to form firm packing around enclosed items of different size and shape without using loose material
Antidazzle equipment for occupants of motor vehicle - uses driver's eye position measurements to resist opaque or semi-transparent screen on windscreen or oncoming headlamp