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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇧ 56.0%

GUIZHOU TOBACCO SCI RES INST has a total of 257 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 56.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2009. It filed its patents most often in China. Its main competitors in its focus markets biotechnology, agriculture and measurement are TOBACCO RES INST CAAS, ASSIST PUBL HOPITAUX MARSEILLE and LI ALBERT.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing GUIZHOU TOBACCO SCI RES INSTs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 China 257

Patent filings per year

Chart showing GUIZHOU TOBACCO SCI RES INSTs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Pan Wenjie 59
#2 Ren Xueliang 47
#3 Zhang Jie 42
#4 Gao Weichang 38
#5 Chen Wei 35
#6 Guo Yushuang 34
#7 Wang Rengang 32
#8 Zhao Huina 31
#9 Cai Kai 30
#10 Tu Yonggao 29

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CN112094942A Molecular marker closely linked with tobacco PVY resistance, primer and application
CN112225601A Carbon-based compound fertilizer and rod fertilizer as well as preparation methods and application thereof
CN112021054A Tobacco cultivation structure and method
CN112029889A Multiplex PCR method for detecting powdery mildew resistance genotype of tobacco and application of multiplex PCR method in breeding
CN111955114A Drought-resistant cellar-making transplanting method and device for tobacco seedlings
CN111848421A Polyether-based pesticide adjuvant and preparation method and application thereof
CN111948320A Method for measuring headspace volatile components of full-biodegradable material
CN111718916A GGPPS directed single-point mutant protein and application thereof
CN111727785A Method for forecasting initiation period of tobacco bacterial wilt
CN111727783A Method for forecasting starting period of alternaria alternata
CN111727784A Method for forecasting tobacco black shank initial period
CN111548399A MYB transcription factor for regulating and controlling accumulation of tobacco cembratriene diol, coding gene and application
CN111580701A Display device for displaying soil and display method thereof
CN111466605A Method, system and device for measuring yellowing and browning degree of tobacco leaf baking based on RGB value
CN111366405A Whole-section type soil sampling device and method thereof
CN111323288A Winged tobacco monosome identification method
CN111289646A Qualitative and quantitative method for organic acid substances in biodegradable mulching film
CN111264259A Preparation method and structure of degradable mulching film
CN111264260A Biodegradable plastic film mulching planting method
CN111202072A Boscalid emulsion and preparation method thereof