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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 46.0%

FUJIAN EVERSTRONG LEGA POWER EQUIPMENT CO LTD has a total of 68 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 46.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2012. It filed its patents most often in China. Its main competitors in its focus markets electrical machinery and energy, engines, pumps and turbines and measurement are CHIAPHUA COMPONENTS SHENZHEN CO LTD, VALEO MANDO ELECTRICAL SYS and ELEK ZITAETS WERKE ZU AACHEN G.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing FUJIAN EVERSTRONG LEGA POWER EQUIPMENT CO LTDs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 China 68

Patent filings per year

Chart showing FUJIAN EVERSTRONG LEGA POWER EQUIPMENT CO LTDs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Lin Chaowen 24
#2 Chen Jianhua 13
#3 Liu Jianping 7
#4 Zhang Jianguang 5
#5 Liao Bin 5
#6 Huang Qihai 4
#7 Xu Huan 4
#8 Zhuo Benyu 3
#9 Yin Longzheng 3
#10 Wang Guanghu 2

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CN112271882A Rotor disassembling tool of outer rotor generator
CN112234781A Press-fitting tool for rotating shaft of generator
CN112072782A Generator time delay control circuit based on UPS
CN112034760A Diesel generator shutdown delay controller circuit with simple structure
CN112054723A Diesel generator starting control circuit capable of effectively protecting starting motor
CN112091583A Synthetic frock of diesel engine parking electro-magnet casing
CN110867954A Control method of automobile comprehensive electric energy controller
CN110739884A Control circuit and control method of dual-power-supply starting motor
CN110821731A Starting motor
CN110739783A stator winding device for generator set
CN110896722A Mower with adsorption and compression functions
CN110801979A Generating set spare part spraying device
CN110902227A Clamping device is used in warehouse transportation
CN110983405A Treating agent applied to internal metal parts of internal combustion engine and preparation method thereof
CN110804752A Internal combustion engine cylinder body internal surface treatment process
CN111008801A Warehouse distribution system
CN110259729A A kind of tooling of engine bearing, rotor and the assembly of fan blade seat
CN110239239A A kind of tooling of starting machine front end cover marking
CN110184110A A kind of internal combustion engine cold grinding lube oil additive and its lubricating oil
CN110154134A A kind of electric generator rotor coil liner plate drilling tool