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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 50.0%

FRITZ STEPHAN GMBH MEDIZINTECHNIK has a total of 16 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 50.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2013. It filed its patents most often in Germany, China and EPO (European Patent Office). Its main competitors in its focus markets medical technology, consumer goods and measurement are VEIN RX INC, ROCKET MEDICAL PLC and SHANDONG KANGLI MEDICAL EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGY CO LTD.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing FRITZ STEPHAN GMBH MEDIZINTECHNIKs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Schliecker Jan 7
#2 Braun Wolfgang 5
#3 Schulze Andreas 5
#4 Hummler Helmut 5
#5 Herber-Jonat Susanne 5
#6 Schaller Peter 5
#7 Mainusch Georg 4
#8 Höhne Bernd 3
#9 Hohne Bernd 2
#10 Zimmermann Jana 2

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
DE102019124424A1 Nasal mask
EP3539604A1 Oxygen therapy device
DE102018112903A1 Oxygen therapy unit
DE102016105467B3 Arrangement for measuring the volume flow of a patient during mechanical ventilation
DE102015010874A1 Suit for a newborn, especially a premature baby
DE102015103894A1 Respirators and control methods for ventilators
DE102014119146A1 Sensor device for mechanical ventilation
DE102013107332A1 Heating device for a breathing tube and breathing tube