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FIEDRICH JOACHIM has a total of 25 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1990. It filed its patents most often in Canada, United States and EPO (European Patent Office). Its main competitors in its focus markets thermal processes, environmental technology and civil engineering are INGRAM REX ANTHONY, PLAN HOLDING GMBH and SUMISHO METALEX CORP.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing FIEDRICH JOACHIMs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing FIEDRICH JOACHIMs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Fiedrich Joachim 25
#2 Lagace Robert 3

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2015047807A1 In-Wall Hydronic Thermal Control System and Installation Method
US2013255912A1 In-wall hydronic thermal control system and installation method
US2011232883A1 In-wall hydronic thermal control system and installation method
US2006144578A1 Radiant heating/cooling tubing substrate with in plane bus
CA2354564A1 A modular radiant floor heating or cooling system
EP1161642A2 In radiant floor, wall and ceiling hydronic cooling systems and heating and cooling systems, using metal plates that are heated or cooled by attached tubing that is fed hot or cold water, modular panels hinged together in a set of panels
CA2274410A1 In radiant floor, wall and celling hydronic cooling systems and heating and cooling systems, using metal plates that are heated or cooled by attached tubing that is fed hot or cold water, structures of plates and tubing attachments
CA2236560A1 Apparatus and method of attaching radiating plate to holders of modular unit for radiant floor and wall hydronic heating systems
EP0943873A1 Apparatus and method of attaching a metal plate on wood or wood-like material
CA2140469A1 Hydronic heating with satellite distribution stations for multi-temperature supply water to heating loops
CA2140467A1 Hydronic heating system with high and low temperature shock protection
CA2140466A1 Hydronic heating outdoor temperature reset supply water temperature control system
US5292065A Radiant floor and wall hydronic heating systems
EP0548389A1 Hydronic heating water temperature control system
US5209401A Hydronic heating water temperature control valve
US5119988A Hydronic heating water temperature control system