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  • Total Patents
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FENG AIHUA has a total of 116 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 2013. It filed its patents most often in China. Its main competitors in its focus markets consumer goods, surface technology and coating and textiles and paper are ZHANG YUFEN, JIANGYIN HAIYING WOOLEN GOODS CO LTD and JIANGYIN YINGXIN WEAVING CO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing FENG AIHUAs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 China 116

Patent filings per year

Chart showing FENG AIHUAs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Feng Aihua 116

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CN106346862A Soft-roll looped fabric with flame retardant fabric layer
CN106690606A Three-dimensional comfortable and freely movable flannelette provided with composite layer
CN106696364A Positive and negative staggered jacquard water absorbing and water guiding fabric with insulating fabric layer
CN106690605A Composite-meshed layer woven and knitted composite fabric provided with temperature-sensitive fabric layer
CN106335224A Multilayer mesh blackout fabric with fireproof fabric layer
CN106307685A Tops with attractive appearance and high strength
CN106307687A Thermal male upper outer garment with sun screening and whitening functions
CN106307684A Upper outer garment with wearing convenience and flame retardant function
CN106307683A Female coat with good shoulder warmth retention property and mosquito repelling function
CN106307686A Upper outer garment with high wearing layering sense and heat dissipation function
CN106307742A Bubble type shirt elastic fabric
CN106307637A Plaid type woven and knitted composite fabric
CN106308279A Pillowcase fabric easy to wash and quick to dry
CN106307741A Fluff strip type flashy fabric
CN106313665A Composite mesh layer water-absorbing and water-guiding fabric
CN106307664A Moisture-absorptive short-sleeved shirt with suspenders
CN106307670A Fire-proof short-sleeved shirt with zipper
CN106307665A Hollowed-out uvioresistant short-sleeved shirt
CN106307666A Insulated short-sleeved shirt with rope
CN106307646A Aromatic short-sleeved shirt with hollowed-out sleeves