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  • Total Patents

FELIX SINGER DR ING DR has a total of 28 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1925. It filed its patents most often in Germany. Its main competitors in its focus markets materials and metallurgy, electrical machinery and energy and machines are GYPSUM LIME AND ALABASTINE, NIPPON ELECTRODE CO LTD and N PROIZV OB EDINENIE KAMEN I S.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing FELIX SINGER DR ING DRs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Germany 28

Patent filings per year

Chart showing FELIX SINGER DR ING DRs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
DE578147C Process for roughening the surfaces of multi-part insulators to be connected to one another by cementing
DE578134C Method and device for pulping raw materials of all kinds
DE559388C Process to increase the thermal conductivity of steatite
DE516599C Tap or gate valve
DE570148C Process for regulating the devitrification of melts
DE565947C Ceramic insulator
DE548863C Process for the production of insulators from ceramic material
DE566283C Process for the production of evacuated cavity insulators for electrical voltages made of ceramic material
DE528175C Process for increasing the tensile strength of high-alumina glasses
DE503001C Burglar and fire-proof safe
DE637916C Process for reducing the expansion coefficient of steatite
DE609806C Process for the production of ceramic masses resistant to alkali and alkali compounds
DE487724C Manufacture of cordierites
DE573030C Corrosion-resistant material for aluminum furnaces
DE478493C Thermal protection device for industrial furnace and furnace systems
DE487012C Synthesis of hexagonal minerals of the nepheline group
DE489695C Process for the production of base-resistant diaphragms and filters
DE476596C Hydrofluoric acid container
DE635236C Process to prevent the aging of steatite, soapstone products of all kinds and other ceramic masses with magnesia components
DE536799C Process to increase the base resistance of ceramic bodies of the three-component system