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  • Total Patents

ELECTRO OPTICS IND LTD has a total of 49 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1981. It filed its patents most often in Israel, United States and France. Its main competitors in its focus markets optics, measurement and control are JUNG JONG TAEK, CHINA SCIENCE PHOTON CHIP HAINING TECH CO LTD and O NET COMMUNICATIONS SHENZHEN LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing ELECTRO OPTICS IND LTDs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing ELECTRO OPTICS IND LTDs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Shoshan Itamar 6
#2 Toker Gregory 4
#3 Shechterman Mark 4
#4 Reichert Abraham 4
#5 Velger Mordekhai 4
#6 Mordekhai Velger 4
#7 Gregory Toker 4
#8 Pagis Alexander 2
#9 Itamar Shoshan 2
#10 Rabinovitch Kopel 2

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
IL166430D0 Laser obstacle ranging and display
IL165376D0 Vehicle display system
IL164937D0 System and method for introducing pump radiation into high-power fiber laser and amplifier
IL159159D0 Vehicle display system
IL159107D0 Coherent laser radar with precise beam adjustment
IL159011D0 Method and system for separating and classifying materials in infrared images
IL157373D0 Projecting reticle image
US7087886B2 Method and a system for multi-pixel ranging of a scene
IL109649D0 Movie processing system
IL108458D0 Method and apparatus for automatic enhancement of color images degraded by absorbing and scattering media
IL103900A Optical system
IL101612D0 Apparatus and method for inspecting articles such as agricultural produce
IL98713D0 Optical notch or minus filter
IL97787D0 Warning light
IL95301D0 Novelty prism
IL90931D0 Viewing system
IL90034D0 Raman shifting device
IL89301D0 Zoom system
IL88263D0 Navigation system
IL87370D0 Laser pumping cavity