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  • Total Patents

EADS TELECOM has a total of 82 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1997. It filed its patents most often in WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), EPO (European Patent Office) and Canada. Its main competitors in its focus markets digital networks, basic communication technologies and telecommunications are EADS TELECOM SOC PAR ACTIONS S, KATAYAMA YASUNAO and RAMESH RAJARAM.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing EADS TELECOMs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing EADS TELECOMs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Robbe Michel 17
#2 Checoury Xavier 15
#3 Marque-Pucheu Gerard 8
#4 Guegnaud Herve 8
#5 Touchais Sandrine 8
#6 Gagey Olivier 7
#7 Mege Philippe 6
#8 Mercuriali Jean-Pierre 6
#9 Monteiro Arthur 5
#10 Rousseau Frederic 5

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
WO2005064845A1 Method and device for transmitting information with verification of unintentional or intentional transmission errors
WO2005064798A1 High order single loop digital sigma-delta modulator
WO2006039936A1 Procedure and device for jamming calls in a cellular mobile radio system
FR2864737A1 Digital rf modulator comprising a return path in phase or frequency
FR2864389A1 Method for synchronization on the runway of a simulcast network
FR2864384A1 Location of mobile radio terminals
WO2004046974A1 Method and device for analyzing an information system security
FR2859566A1 Method for transmitting an information flow by insertion within a flow of speech data, and parametric codec for its implementation
FR2855930A1 Synchronization at the multi-frame level of a mobile terminal of a radiocommunication system
FR2855341A1 Voltage shifting control circuit for pll
US7046173B2 Method and device for converting a quantized digital value