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  • Total Patents

E H EDMUND ALTENKIRCH DR ING has a total of 14 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1933. It filed its patents most often in Germany. Its main competitors in its focus markets thermal processes, environmental technology and chemical engineering are HUANG GUOHE, WUXI TONGFANG ARTIFICIAL ENV CO LTD and NANJING TICA CLIMATE SOLUTIONS CO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing E H EDMUND ALTENKIRCH DR INGs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Germany 14

Patent filings per year

Chart showing E H EDMUND ALTENKIRCH DR INGs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Altenkirch Dr-Ing E H Edmund 6

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
DE831257C Condenser for refrigeration machines
DE830801C Compression refrigeration system
DE715568C Process for the operation of heat regenerators
DE664953C Process for drying the air in damp rooms
DE715871C Device for thickening liquids for cooling air or water
DE668748C Device to reduce the fluctuations in humidity in mechanically cooled cold rooms
DE673587C Method and device for the evaporation and condensation of the water contained in an aqueous liquid
DE663920C Method and device for obtaining water from atmospheric air
DE747787C Device for dehumidifying and humidifying or cooling air, e.g. for living rooms, using hygroscopic materials
DE747786C Device for humidifying and dehumidifying atmospheric air using hygroscopic substances
DE747785C Method and device for dehumidifying and humidifying atmospheric air using hygroscopic substances
DE614397C Absorption cold apparatus
DE628095C Method and device for humidifying and dehumidifying air