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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank

DUNN WILLIAM has a total of 67 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1897. It filed its patents most often in United States, Canada and United Kingdom. Its main competitors in its focus markets audio-visual technology, optics and electrical machinery and energy are MRI INC, MFG RESOURCES INT INC and BEIJING BOE OPTOELECTRONICS CO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing DUNN WILLIAMs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing DUNN WILLIAMs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Dunn William 67
#2 Bedell Ware 6
#3 Williams David 6
#4 Schuch John 5
#5 Lecave Michael 5
#6 Hubbard Tim 5
#7 Wasinger Jerry 3
#8 Le Don 2
#9 Tran Chris 2
#10 De Laet Rick 2

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2013027370A1 System and method for dynamic load sharing between electronic displays
WO2012006620A2 Isolated access assembly for back-to back electronic display and static display
US2012147293A1 Redundant backlight for liquid crystal displays
US2012081341A1 Redundant power/control system for liquid crystal displays
US2012057082A1 System and method for remotely identifying display components
US2011163691A1 System and method for managing backlight luminance variations
US2012026432A1 System and method for maintaining a consistent temperature gradient across an electronic display
US2011280005A1 Modular distributed components for LED backlight
US2011261523A1 Expanded heat sink for electronic displays
US2011242839A1 NVIS compatible backlight device and LCD using the same
US2011096246A1 Visual identifier for images on an electronic display
US2011013114A1 Heat exchanger for an electronic display
US2011116000A1 Thermal plate with optional cooling loop in electronic display
US2010296245A1 System for using constricted convection with closed loop plenum as the convection plate
US2011116231A1 Field serviceable electronic display
US2010043966A1 Photoinitiated optical adhesive and method for using same
US2010028108A1 Transportable carrier compatable with a retractable pin tool
US2009244472A1 Constricted convection cooling system for an electronic display
US2009251467A1 Method for mapping optical properties for a display device
US2009252354A1 Speaker configuration