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DRISCOLL STRAWBERRY ASS INC has a total of 147 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1975. It filed its patents most often in United States, Morocco and Hungary. Its main competitors in its focus markets foods and drinks, machines and packaging and shipping are BAILEY NURSERIES INC, JONES STEVE and CHRYSANTHEMUM BREEDERS ASS NV.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing DRISCOLL STRAWBERRY ASS INCs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing DRISCOLL STRAWBERRY ASS INCs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Mowrey Bruce D 34
#2 Amorao Amado Q 25
#3 Sjulin Thomas M 24
#4 Fear Carlos D 21
#5 Gilford Kristie L 16
#6 Johnson Jr Harold A 16
#7 Coss Joanne F 15
#8 Stewart Philip J 14
#9 Espejo Jr Joseph I 13
#10 Draper Arlen 12

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
USPP27442P2 Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawFortyEight’
WO2015164720A1 Clamshell raspberry container
US2016270276P1 Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawFortyFive’
US2016249505P1 Blackberry plant named ‘DrisBlackFifteen’
US2016249504P1 Blackberry plant named ‘DrisBlackFourteen’
US2016242335P1 Blackberry plant named ‘DrisBlackEleven’
US2016227685P1 Blueberry plant named ‘DrisBlueFourteen’
US2016219774P1 Raspberry plant named ‘DrisRaspEight’
US2016113175P1 Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawFortyThree’
US2016113176P1 Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawFortyTwo’
US2016113174P1 Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawFortyFour’
US2016088782P1 Blackberry plant named ‘DrisBlackNine’
US2016050820P1 Blackberry plant named ‘DrisBlackTen’
US2015189805P1 Blackberry plant named ‘DrisBlackEight’
US2015173263P1 Blueberry plant named ‘DrisBlueTen’
US2015173262P1 Blueberry plant named ‘DrisBlueEleven’
US2015173280P1 Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawThirtySeven’
US2015163972P1 Blueberry plant named ‘DrisBlueThirteen’
US2015163971P1 Blueberry plant named ‘DrisBlueTwelve’
US2015101090P1 Strawberry plant named ‘DrisStrawForty’