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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇩ 25.0%

DELTA GALIL IND LTD has a total of 45 patent applications. It decreased the IP activity by 25.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 2000. It filed its patents most often in WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), United States and Israel. Its main competitors in its focus markets consumer goods, textiles and paper and machines are PIP FUJIMOTO CO LTD, JOSEPH SIEGEL and PICARDIE LAINIERE.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing DELTA GALIL IND LTDs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Focus industries

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Almog Eli 10
#2 Maoz Esther 10
#3 Eyal Yoel 6
#4 Barak Yehuda 6
#5 Cohen Avi 6
#6 Naor Yechiel 5
#7 Mois Monder 5
#8 Cremer Eyal 4
#9 Ghindes Riki 4
#10 Schuller Igael 4

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
WO2021038557A1 Garment with uni-directional reduced-stretch properties, and method and system of producing such garment
WO2020225818A1 Garment and clothes that are unravel-free and roll-free
WO2020212988A1 Clothing article having terry cloth adjacent to non-terry cloth
WO2020178836A1 Underwear for men
US2020040488A1 Clothing articles having encapsulation zones, and system and method of producing such clothing articles
WO2018109760A1 Clothing article formed of melting yarn and non-melting yarn, and system and method of producing such clothing article
WO2017145148A1 Underwear and undergarments, and method and system of producing them
WO2017055960A1 Fabric for articles of clothing, and method and system of producing same
US2016227843A1 Sock
EP3250067A1 Fastener for bra, and a bra having such fastener
US2016255883A1 Tights, leggings, pants, and other articles of clothing
US2016255888A1 Shirt, and other articles of clothing
US2015072591A1 Garment with support back-region
US2016107373A1 Garment having seam-less elastic band, and system and method for producing such garment
WO2013041914A1 Laundry-resistant fabric, and method and system for manufacturing such fabric
CA2810476A1 Socks, and system and method for manufacturing socks
WO2012032458A2 Socks, and method and system for making socks
WO2011095944A1 Laundry-resistant sock, and system and method for producing such sock
WO2009066269A1 Sock
IL165728D0 Male undergarment with protective pouch