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  • Total Patents

DANREGN VINDKRAFT AS has a total of 11 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1986. It filed its patents most often in Denmark, Australia and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Its main competitors in its focus markets engines, pumps and turbines and environmental technology are SCHNEIDER D, SANFRITSCH GMBH and QIANG YAN.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing DANREGN VINDKRAFT ASs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing DANREGN VINDKRAFT ASs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Stiesdal Henrik 7
#2 Kristensen Ejler 3
#3 Vinther Soren 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
DK167790D0 Wind turbine rotor with at least three blades
DK167690D0 Wings to a windmill
DK114190D0 Procedure and body to change the form of an existing window experience
US4867642A Wind mill wing with air brake
DK580087D0 Procedure and measures for strengthening the wave shift in a window experience
DK332886D0 Crew mechanism for a wind-driven machine
DK248286D0 Machine for producing electricity