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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank

COOK NIGEL P has a total of 29 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 2000. It filed its patents most often in United States, United Kingdom and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Its main competitors in its focus markets electrical machinery and energy, telecommunications and environmental technology are RYU YOUNG HO, AMWAY EUROP LTD and SHENZHEN HERTZ INNOVATIONS TECH CO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing COOK NIGEL Ps patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing COOK NIGEL Ps patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Cook Nigel P 28
#2 Widmer Hanspeter 23
#3 Sieber Lukas 21
#4 Secall Marc 3
#5 Meier Paul 3
#6 Schwaninger Peter 2
#7 Levine Richard C 2
#8 Dominiak Stephen 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
US2020355158A1 Methods and apparatus for generating electricity from wind power
US2011254503A1 Wireless power antenna alignment adjustment system for vehicles
US2010277120A1 Parasitic devices for wireless power transfer
US2010184371A1 Transmitters for wireless power transmission
US2010210233A1 Receive antenna arrangement for wireless power
US2010148723A1 Bidirectional wireless power transmission
US2010190435A1 Passive receivers for wireless power transmission
US2010127660A1 Wireless power transmission for portable wireless power charging
US2010109443A1 Wireless power transmission for electronic devices
US2011095617A1 Ferrite antennas for wireless power transfer
US2009224609A1 Packaging and details of a wireless power device
US2009243397A1 Packaging and details of a wireless power device
US2009224608A1 Ferrite antennas for wireless power transfer
US2009179502A1 Wireless powering and charging station
US2009212636A1 Wireless desktop IT environment
US2009045772A1 Wireless power system and proximity effects
US2009127937A1 Wireless power bridge
US2008211320A1 Wireless power apparatus and methods
US2009015075A1 Wireless energy transfer using coupled antennas
US2008014897A1 Method and apparatus for delivering energy to an electrical or electronic device via a wireless link