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  • Total Patents

CLAUDE HAMILTON VERITY has a total of 19 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1917. It filed its patents most often in United Kingdom, Germany and France. Its main competitors in its focus markets optics, thermal processes and audio-visual technology are BECKER JOSEPH, ANONIMA RADIO SOC and CARL BRAUN.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing CLAUDE HAMILTON VERITYs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United Kingdom 16
#2 Germany 2
#3 France 1

Patent filings per year

Chart showing CLAUDE HAMILTON VERITYs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Verity Claude Hamilton 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
GB571860A Improvements relating to apparatus for the inhalation of medicated vapours
GB475033A Improvements relating to low temperature carbonisation
GB412170A Improvements in and relating to variable speed gearing
GB337026A Improvements relating to revolving doors
GB331179A Coin freed mechanically operated revoiving doors
GB331221A Means for clouderising coal dust for power purposes
GB324411A Improvements relating to electric pick-up supports for gramophones and means for indicating the position of the needle in the record groove and to facilitate synchronousreproduction with picture projection
GB322561A Improvements relating to phonograph disc recording & reproducing machines and means for driving and synchronising same with kinematograph apparatus
GB321624A Improvements relating to the synchronous reproduction of picture films and disk sound records
GB320881A Means for the synchronisation of broadcast wireless sounds and kinematograph films
GB318688A Apparatus for reproducing synchronously recorded disk records and kinematograph films
GB318847A Synchronisation of machines for recording sounds and movements and for reproducing such sounds and movements by phonograph and kinematograph
GB207222A Improvements in or relating to gramophones and like sound reproducing machines
GB164472A An improved electric radiator
GB165489A Synchronisation of machines for recording and reproducing sounds and movements
GB160918A A new and improved cooking and heating stove