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  • Total Patents

CLARK BRYAN has a total of 11 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 2006. It filed its patents most often in United States and United Kingdom. Its main competitors in its focus markets computer technology, transport and it methods for management are XINNOS INC, CARMICHAEL JOHN and INFOGET SYTEM CO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing CLARK BRYANs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 United States 7
#2 United Kingdom 4

Patent filings per year

Chart showing CLARK BRYANs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Clark Bryan 9
#2 Pennington Havoc 2
#3 Gandy Matthew Stephen 1
#4 Fischer Donald 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
GB201115325D0 Apparatus for use with and/or as part of a floatable item
GB201112966D0 Apparatus and method for determining the condition of at least one aspect of a body of water
US2008134085A1 Bi-directional widget for recording user feedback
US2008133753A1 Method and system for establishing a new account for a user with an online service
US2008133763A1 Mastering music played among a plurality of users
US2008133593A1 Automatic playlist generation in correlation with local events
US2008134054A1 Community tagging of a multimedia stream and linking to related content