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  • Total Patents

CHEM FAB FLOERSHEIM DR H NOERD has a total of 33 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1905. It filed its patents most often in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Its main competitors in its focus markets basic materials chemistry, macromolecular chemistry and polymers and machines are KRAMER ERWIN DR ING, ZEITZ HYDRIERWERK and BENGBU HAIMING DIE CASTING MACHINE CO LTD.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing CHEM FAB FLOERSHEIM DR H NOERDs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Germany 19
#2 Austria 7
#3 Switzerland 6
#4 United Kingdom 1

Patent filings per year

Chart showing CHEM FAB FLOERSHEIM DR H NOERDs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Noerdlinger Chemische Fabrik F 5
#2 Heinz Dr Heinrich 1
#3 Mandelsloh Otto Albrecht Graf 1
#4 Chemische Fabrik Floersheim Dr 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
DE624043C Process for the liquefaction of asphalt and petroleum bitumen
GB416626A Improved manufacture of colloidal graphite suspensions
DE643282C Device for the production of colloidal graphite suspensions for lubricants
DE639886C Process for the production of colloidal graphite suspensions for lubricants
DE616179C Process for waterproofing paper and other fibrous materials
DE612423C Light-colored, water-miscible, weatherproof and water-washable paints when dry
DE598470C Process for the production of a bituminous road building material
DE550871C Process to prevent rust formation on metals by using drilling oils or drilling grease in a highly diluted, aqueous emulsion
DE567100C Process for the production of road binders
DE566670C Process for the production of bitumen emulsions
DE484641C Process for the production of a cold workable road construction material
DE482634C Production of oils soluble in mineral hydrocarbons from castor oil
DE483695C Preparations for the control of insects