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  • Total Patents
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CHARLES BESELER COMPANY has a total of 41 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1921. It filed its patents most often in United States, Canada and United Kingdom. Its main competitors in its focus markets optics, machines and electrical machinery and energy are GERMANN & GSELL AG, IMAX SYSTEMS CORP and WAKI RIGIO.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing CHARLES BESELER COMPANYs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing CHARLES BESELER COMPANYs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Field Philip M 20
#2 Schwanhausser Walter E 4
#3 Nemesnyik John C 3
#4 Ross Robert N 3
#5 Schwartz Matthew L 3
#6 Joseph Pignone 2
#7 Kowalski Charles J 1
#8 Uchin Stanley 1
#9 Samuel Mandel 1
#10 Nolan Robert 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CA3112766A1 Apparatus and method for enlarging digital photographs on photographic paper
US2002073661A1 Shrink-wrap packaging system
US5003348A Multi-function negative carrier
US4649973A Ever-ready camera case
US4537500A Photographic contrast control device
US4371259A Digital color printer system
US4005463A Photographic processing drum and method for using
GB1217920A Film transport mechanism
GB1207012A Overhead projector
US3241258A Slide mount for photographic film
US3294966A Automatic lamp changing apparatus
US3294965A Automatic lamp changing apparatus
US3283141A Lamp-changing mechanism
US3244069A Projector with movable light source
US3334957A Head for overhead projectors
US3179438A Toggle actuated caster arrangement
US3190174A Slide-actuate switch for photographic projector
US3191491A Head for overhead projectors
US3148853A Focusing mechanism for photographic apparatus
US3207029A Manually adjustable overhead projector mounted on a desk