The multi-function matrix hash function block chain (smart block panel, TTS broadcasting system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, NB-IoT maintainer on CCTV in blackbox type, solar ray generator of blockchain metering, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, panel generating solar ray and LED board monitoring thermal burn with processed image of CCTV, controlling apparatus of parking and coding a plate) CCTV monitoring early fire and its system
The multi-function matrix hash function block chain (smart block panel, TTS broadcasting system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, NB-IoT maintainer on CCTV in blackbox type, solar ray generator of blockchain metering, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, panel generating solar ray and LED board monitoring thermal burn with processed image of CCTV, controlling apparatus of parking and coding a plate) CCTV monitoring early fire and its system
The multi-function matrix hash function block chain (smart block panel, TTS broadcasting system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, NB-IoT maintainer on CCTV in blackbox type, solar ray generator of blockchain metering, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, panel generating solar ray and LED board monitoring thermal burn with processed image of CCTV, controlling apparatus of parking and coding a plate) CCTV monitoring early fire and its system
The multi-function matrix hash function block chain (smart block panel, TTS broadcasting system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, NB-IoT maintainer on CCTV in blackbox type, solar ray generator of blockchain metering, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, panel generating solar ray and LED board monitoring thermal burn with processed image of CCTV, controlling apparatus of parking and coding a plate) CCTV monitoring early fire and its system
The multi-function matrix hash function block chain (smart block panel, TTS broadcasting system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, NB-IoT maintainer on CCTV in blackbox type, solar ray generator of blockchain metering, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, panel generating solar ray and LED board monitoring thermal burn with processed image of CCTV, controlling apparatus of parking and coding a plate) CCTV monitoring early fire and its system
The multi-function matrix hash function block chain (smart block panel, TTS broadcasting system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, NB-IoT maintainer on CCTV in blackbox type, solar ray generator of blockchain metering, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, panel generating solar ray and LED board monitoring thermal burn with processed image of CCTV, controlling apparatus of parking and coding a plate) CCTV monitoring early fire and its system
The multi-function matrix hash function block chain (smart block panel, TTS broadcasting system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, NB-IoT maintainer on CCTV in blackbox type, solar ray generator of blockchain metering, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, panel generating solar ray and LED board monitoring thermal burn with processed image of CCTV, controlling apparatus of parking and coding a plate) CCTV monitoring early fire and its system
The multi-function matrix hash function block chain (smart block panel, TTS broadcasting system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, NB-IoT maintainer on CCTV in blackbox type, solar ray generator of blockchain metering, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, panel generating solar ray and LED board monitoring thermal burn with processed image of CCTV, controlling apparatus of parking and coding a plate) CCTV monitoring early fire and its system
The multi-function matrix hash function block chain (smart block panel, TTS broadcasting system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, NB-IoT maintainer on CCTV in blackbox type, solar ray generator of blockchain metering, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, panel generating solar ray and LED board monitoring thermal burn with processed image of CCTV, controlling apparatus of parking and coding a plate) CCTV monitoring early fire and its system
The QUANTUM number smartphone transmitted from CCTV's recorded information
The monitor system of a early fire
The PUF-QRNG Quantum-security system
The PUF-QRANG quantum security system and the way to do anti-crime CCTV-QRNG communication and its panel
The PUF-QRANG quantum security system and the way to do anti-crime CCTV-QRNG communication and its panel
The PUF-QRANG quantum security system and the way to do anti-crime CCTV-QRNG communication and its panel
The leakage prevention-remote inspection LPWAN commonication service system loaded Quantum-security chip by anti-CCTV selt networking
The leakage prevention-remote inspection LPWAN commonication service system loaded Quantum-security chip by anti-CCTV selt networking
The Quantum code block chain of the matrix hash function (the smart greed panel, TTS broadcast system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, generating devices of solar ray, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, solar panel, LED board, controlling apparatus of parking) anti-disaster CCTV and its controlling system
The Quantum code block chain of the matrix hash function (the smart greed panel, TTS broadcast system, video-audio broadcasting system in premises, CCTV retaining coded image, generating devices of solar ray, LED streetlamp controlling dimming, solar panel, LED board, controlling apparatus of parking) anti-disaster CCTV and its controlling system