CHABAL & CIE C has a total of 40 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1937. It filed its patents most often in France, Spain and United Kingdom. Its main competitors in its focus markets chemical engineering, environmental technology and control are AQUA AEROBIC SYSTEMS INC, ZENON ENVIRONMENTAL INC and FROUD DAVID PETER.
# | Country | Total Patents | |
#1 | France | 36 | |
#2 | Spain | 2 | |
#3 | United Kingdom | 1 | |
#4 | United States | 1 |
# | Industry | |
#1 | Chemical engineering | |
#2 | Environmental technology | |
#3 | Control | |
#4 | Civil engineering | |
#5 | Measurement | |
#6 | Mechanical elements |
# | Name | Total Patents |
#1 | Hardy Pierre P E | 1 |
Publication | Filing date | Title |
GB693101A | Improvements in automatic systems for adjusting a filtration plant, operated by the filtered water requirement | |
US2601137A | Filtration plant flow control responsive to demand |