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  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank
  • Filing trend
    ⇧ 113.0%

CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECH V PRAZE has a total of 159 patent applications. It increased the IP activity by 113.0%. Its first patent ever was published in 1973. It filed its patents most often in Czechia, EPO (European Patent Office) and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization). Its main competitors in its focus markets measurement, environmental technology and medical technology are SINTEF TTO AS, WORCESTER POLYTECH INST and FEDERALNOE GOSUDARSTVENNOE BYUDZHETNOE OBRAZOVATELNOE UCHREZHDENIE VYSSHEGO OBRAZOVANIYA TAMBOVSKIJ.

Patent filings per year

Chart showing CESKE VYSOKE UCENI TECH V PRAZEs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Witzany Jiří 8
#2 Zigler Radek 8
#3 Valášek Michael 7
#4 Bortel Radoslav 6
#5 Hána Karel 6
#6 Hosek Jan 5
#7 Vlk Martin 5
#8 Havran Vlastimil 5
#9 Kašpar Jan 5
#10 Smrčka Pavel 5

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
GB202020304D0 Title in foreign
CZ2020391A3 A wound dressing for placing a therapeutic agent at a chronic wound treatment site
CZ308642B6 Three-layer wound dressing and producing it
CZ2020229A3 Multi-converter rotary applicator of therapeutic ultrasound
CZ2020214A3 Equipment for generating high local intensity ultrasound
CZ2020126A3 Compact device for obtaining water from the air
CZ2020127A3 Equipment for obtaining water from air with one air duct
CZ202065A3 Device and method for the separating radionuclides from rinsing solutions
CZ202058A3 Low latency digital target simulator for automotive radars
CZ308640B6 Device for removing components from printed circuit boards and method of removing components in this device
CZ2019814A3 Security monitoring system especially for seniors and the method carried out on it
CZ2019794A3 One-sided external distraction-fixing device
CZ2019786A3 System of concrete prefabricated elements for bridge structures
CZ308719B6 Thermobox with controlled heating for use on unmanned aerial vehicles
CZ2019717A3 Chip-free radio frequency transponder with increased RCS response for sensory applications
CZ2019648A3 Method of measuring the wear of welding electrode caps for resistance spot welding and the apparatus for carrying this out
CZ308725B6 Hand dispenser of paste substances
CZ308338B6 Devices for a controlled change of an optical path length, especially for interferometers
CZ308514B6 Equipment for measuring the electrical parameters of conductive textiles
CZ2019525A3 A device for controlling a rail vehicle wheel slip and a method of controlling wheel slip of a rail vehicle in this device