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  • Total Patents

CARSON JOHN WILLIAM has a total of 21 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1900. It filed its patents most often in United Kingdom, WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) and United States. Its main competitors in its focus markets environmental technology, basic materials chemistry and materials and metallurgy are ZIBO YONGCHEN ENV IMPACT ASSESSMENT CO LTD, PASSOW HERMANN and KAZAKHSK KHIM TEKH INST.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing CARSON JOHN WILLIAMs patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing CARSON JOHN WILLIAMs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Carson John William 21
#2 Carson Leann 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
WO2012007760A1 Improved fertilisers for sustainable farming
GB0917783D0 Manufacturing cement using a wood burning fluid-bed furnace
GB0915747D0 A process for making an agronomic nutrient product
US2011056261A1 Agronomic Nutrient Production
GB0810956D0 A process for the manufacture of a horticultural growing medium
GB0801378D0 Improved extraction from ores
GB0719690D0 A porous gas-absorbing aggregate
GB0715215D0 Improved digestion of wastes
GB0610270D0 Surfacings for bricks and tiles
GB0609574D0 Reagent for surface calcination of minerals and ashes
GB0608890D0 Improved blast furnace slag
GB0511815D0 Improved building construction
GB0427057D0 Improved ultra fine powders
GB0426405D0 Improved agricultural liming
GB0423125D0 Improved agronomic chemicals
GB0419769D0 Organic fertiliser based on the potassium salt of a phosphated hydrolysed protein
GB9516572D0 Medicament containing saliva extract
US666376A Gate.