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  • Total Patents
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BAKHAREV SERGEJ ALEKSEEVICH has a total of 59 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1990. It filed its patents most often in Russian Federation. Its main competitors in its focus markets environmental technology, chemical engineering and machines are HEARTLAND TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS, CHENGDU ZHIHE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SCIENCE & TECH CO LTD and DAGUA INC.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing BAKHAREV SERGEJ ALEKSEEVICHs patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 Russian Federation 59

Patent filings per year

Chart showing BAKHAREV SERGEJ ALEKSEEVICHs patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Bakharev Sergej Alekseevich 48
#2 Bakharev S A 10
#3 Ignat Ev V B 3
#4 Mikhajlychev Sergej A 1
#5 Kravchenko Viktor V 1
#6 Lyamin Georgij I 1
#7 Bakharev Sergej A 1
#8 Ostrovskij Dmitrij B 1
#9 Kryukov Nikolaj Sergeevich 1
#10 Shor Ju L 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
RU2718539C1 Method of reagentless purification of saponite-containing water and seal of saponite-containing sediment
RU2691713C1 Method of reagentless purification of wastewater and sediment dehydration
RU2700505C1 Method of reagent-free water filtration and disinfection
RU2700516C1 Method for reagent-free filtration of quarry and waste water
RU2638370C1 Method for nonchemical cleaning of saponite-containing water and compaction of saponite-containing sediment
RU2618007C1 Method for condensing pulp using acoustic waves
RU2615398C1 Method of waste water nonchemichal purification from suspended solids, heavy metals and salts
RU2628383C1 Method for nonchemical cleaning of saponite-containing water and compaction of saponite-containing sediment
RU2617472C1 Method of nonchemical cleaning of circular water from saponite-containing sludge particles
RU2593607C1 Method for reagentless treatment of quarry water from suspended substances and heavy metals
RU2607209C1 Method of reagentless treatment of industrial water from saponite-containing particles in depositing map
RU2581239C1 Method of drying and dry-curing meat in acoustic fields
RU2578793C1 Method to protect crops against harmful insects
RU2581225C1 Method for moisture removal and disinfection of products using acoustic waves
RU2560771C1 Method for reagentless treatment of quarry water
RU2555789C1 Method to ensure safety of hydraulic engineering structure of nuclear power plant
RU2560772C1 Method of reagent-free purification of saponite-containing water and sediment consolidation
RU2528451C1 Method to ensure safety of operation of hydraulic engineering facilities
RU2523841C2 Method of protecting underwater structures and equipment from biofouling
RU2532397C2 Method of cooling recycled industrial water