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  • Total Patents

ARTZT W has a total of 47 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 1951. It filed its patents most often in Switzerland, Germany and United Kingdom. Its main competitors in its focus markets consumer goods, medical technology and packaging and shipping are TORATANI CO LTD, X TECHNOLOGY SWISS GMBH and VF CORP.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing ARTZT Ws patent filings in countries

Patent filings per year

Chart showing ARTZT Ws patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Artzt William Walter 13
#2 William Walter Artzt 8
#3 Walter Artzt William 5
#4 Artzt W 4
#5 Artzt W W 1

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
IL61220D0 Receptacle for medication to be taken at prescribed intervals of time
CH589427A5 Sleeveless undershirt - made from single piece of two way stretch knit fabric
DE2461707A1 Sleeveless undershirt - made from single piece of two way stretch knit fabric
AU7599074A Undershirts
US3873999A Undershirts and similar sleeveless garments
ZA7202921B Pull-over infants garment
US3736597A Pull-over infant{40 s garment
US3496576A Undershorts with moisture-proof crotch lining
US3474465A Shirt with underarm shields and method of making same
US3457566A Foot covering portions of wearing apparel
US3513847A Waterproof panties for infants
ES283470A1 A method of making clothes (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)
DE1435848A1 Garment and process for its manufacture
GB970187A Garments and methods of making the same
GB931068A Knitted pile fabric
GB697576A Shirts and like garments and the method of making the same