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Anhui keli information industry co ltd

  • Total Patents
  • GoodIP Patent Rank

Anhui keli information industry co ltd has a total of 28 patent applications. Its first patent ever was published in 2008. It filed its patents most often in China. Its main competitors in its focus markets control, computer technology and audio-visual technology are BEIJING PALMGO INFORMATION TECH CO LTD, ALDRIDGE TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS PTY LTD and NORTH CHINA INST OF COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY.

Patent filings in countries

World map showing Anhui keli information industry co ltds patent filings in countries
# Country Total Patents
#1 China 28

Patent filings per year

Chart showing Anhui keli information industry co ltds patent filings per year from 1900 to 2020

Top inventors

# Name Total Patents
#1 Liang Zijun 13
#2 Song Zhihong 10
#3 Zou Jiao 7
#4 Liu Jun 5
#5 Tao Gang 5
#6 Zijun Liang 4
#7 Li Lichao 4
#8 Fang Lin 4
#9 Gao Wanbao 4
#10 Yu Haiyang 4

Latest patents

Publication Filing date Title
CN105355069A Signal lamp fault detection circuit with function of voltage and current detection, and detection control method therefor
CN104851293A Road section traffic congestion index evaluation method based on spot speed
CN104732779A Traffic congestion dispersion method based on traffic signal controller and video monitoring linkage
CN104732764A Traffic accident liability judgment method based on traffic signal controller and video monitoring linkage
CN104680688A Anti-theft alarm remote network snapshooting and monitoring device based on traffic signal controller
CN104573049A KNN classifier training sample cutting method based on center vector
CN104573050A Continuous attribute discretization method based on Canopy clustering and BIRCH hierarchical clustering
CN104299427A Remote program updating method for traffic signal instrument
CN104299428A Efficient -communication intelligent traffic signal control system
CN104299429A Annunciator based on SPI bus control
CN104183142A Traffic flow statistics method based on image visual processing technology
CN104157152A Traffic signal optimization control method for vehicle queuing overflow state at road intersections
CN103955596A Accident hotspot comprehensive judging method based on traffic accident collection technology
CN103810868A Traffic overflow inhibition method based on high altitude video information
CN103810703A Picture processing based tunnel video moving object detection method
CN103761430A Method for identifying peak periods of road networks on basis of floating cars
CN103632537A Floating car based urban road AADT (annual average daily traffic) estimation method
CN103606285A Zigbee technology based signaler switching determination method
CN103400505A Zigbee-based bus signal priority control system and control method thereof
CN103000027A Intelligent traffic guidance method based on floating car under congestion condition